Pengalaman Memasang Indihome di Magetan

Akhir bulan lalu, tanggal 30 Mei 2020, aku dan keluarga pindah rumah. Pindah ke pondok mertua indah di Bendo, Magetan. Hehehe. Sebenarnya ini sudah dibicarakan sejak lama, jauh sebelum Pandemi COVID-19, namun menjadi opsi yang lebih menggiurkan sejak COVID-19 menyerang. Bagian ini mungkin akan aku ulas di tulisan yang lain.

Modem Indihome

Pasang IndiHome, Pemesanan & Pembayaran

Beberapa hari sebelum pulang, aku sudah cek IndiHome ada jaringan nggak di rumah mertua. Beberapa kali cek lewat aplikasi MyIndihome, ternyata tidak ada. Agak kecewa juga, bingung nanti pakai internet apa dirumah. Soalnya disini provider seluler tidak ada yang bagus. Aku coba hubungi marketing IndiHome wilayah Magetan, siapa tahu saja bisa diusahakan.

Kenapa marketing?

Kadang marketing IndiHome bisa mengusahakan yang tidak ada menjadi ada. Seperti pengalaman beberapa rekan yang menyarankan demikian. Sayangnya, setelah saya menghubungi beberapa marketing IndiHome area Magetan, tidak ada satupun yang cocok. Ada yang kemudian tidak merespon setelah tahu bahwa aku masih di Jogja. Ada juga yang merespon serius dan bersedia melakukan survey, tapi dengan syarat. Mereka minta data KTP, KK dan selfi sambil pegang KTP, lalu akan dilakukan survey. Tentu aku menolak. IndiHome belum tentu kepasang, mereka sudah dapat data pribadiku.

Lalu 1 hari sebelum pindahan, aku ingat bahwa ada ODP (optical distribution point) IndiHome di dekat kantor desa desa Bendo. Secara teoritis, mungkin bisa. Optimis sajalah. Akhirnya setelah sampai aku sempatkan untuk jalan-jalan melihat kondisi riil. Aku menemukan bahwa jaraknya kurang lebih 500 meter kalau ngikutin tiang Telkom lewat jalan sisi utara, tapi cuma 300 meter kalau ngikutin jalan sisi selatan. Sesampai di rumah, aku coba apply di MyIndiHome, tetap tidak bisa. Oke, aku geser titiknya ke selatan, dan voila! IndiHome tersedia!

Secara teknis, aku tidak berbohong, karena tempat aku menggeser titik itu masih merupakan tanah mertuaku, meskipun kebun. Hehehe. Penting tersedia dulu, toh juga aku geser ga ada 50 meter. Dan harusnya lewat utara, bukan selatan. Jadi sebenarnya kalau aku geser ke selatan itu malah tambah jauh dari ODP (mengikuti tiang Telkom), tapi nyatanya malah tersedia. Sepertinya Telkom perlu memperbarui database-nya, terutama bagian itu kabel lewatnya mana. Setelah melakukan pemesanan paket Phoenix 50 Mbps, aku bayar deposit dan tidur dengan tenang.

Pasang Indihome, Verifikasi Identitas & Pemasangan

Waktu itu aku order malam hari, Jum’at 30 atau H+0 dari kedatangan. Besoknya jam 7 pagi ada telepon dari nomor 031xxx yang sepertinya dari Telkom. Sayang sekali aku tidak tahu karena sedang sibuk beres-beres. Jadi tidak terangkat. Aku pikir bakalan dibatalkan ini aplikasinya, ternyata tidak, status pasang baru IndiHome menjadi “dalam pemasangan”. Seneng dong aku, sebentar lagi dapat internet cepat. Hari itu hari sabtu, dan ga mungkin langsung dipasang juga, kan? Jadi mungkin senin. Eh, senin libur juga. Oh, mungkin akan dipasang selasa.

Hari kerja pertama, selasa 2 Juni 2020, tidak ada kabar…

Hari kerja kedua, rabu 3 Juni 2020, tidak ada kabar…

Hari kerja ketiga, kamis, 4 Juni 2020, tidak ada kabar…

Aku mikir, ini jadi dipasang nggak sih? Ada banyak kasus yang dimuat di surat pembaca kalau setelah nunggu lama ga ada kabar, tiba-tiba dibatalin dengan alasan tidak bisa dipasang, ODP penuh atau jarak terlalu jauh. Akhirnya aku iseng aja DM ke akun Twitter IndiHome di hari jumat, 5 Juni 2020. Entah kebetulan atau tidak, tidak lama setelah DM, ada WA dari orang yang kuduga teknis IndiHome. Saat itu pukul 10.00 pagi.

“Dengan pak Iwan? Saya dari pemasangan Indihome, bisa share lokasi pemasangannya pak?”

Wow, rasanya udah seperti dapat hadiah mobil saja. Tidak lama langsung aku share lokasi dan aku berikan insight mengenai ODP-nya. Dikonfirmasi akan dikabari kalau mau ke rumah. Pikirku, mungkin senin ini, karena ini jumat, sudah siang dan sabtu mungkin saja libur. Ternyata dugaanku salah, sampai jam 3 sore setelah ashar, tiba-tiba ada orang naik motor berkostum IndiHome lagi celingak celinguk, langsung kupanggil saja. Mas teknisi ini kemudian nitip tas dan beberapa perangkat untuk kemudian bergabung dengan temannya di ODP melakukan penarikan kabel. Plong rasanya, akhirnya dapat internet cepat dan stabil.

Ternyata, hari itu yang dipasang hanya kabelnya saja

Berhubung kabel yang dipasang kurang lebih 500 meter, tidak ada kabel yang sudah pre-build dengan konektor sepanjang itu, umumnya cuma 300 meter. Maka dari itu mas-nya bilang kalau baru besok bisa pasang full, sekarang baru kabelnya karena mereka tidak membawa alat fusion fiber splicer. Itu lho, alat yang digunakan untuk nyambung kabel FO. Ya sudahlah, tidak apa-apa, sudah ada kabelnya, sedikit lebih tenang. Mas teknisi ketika ditanya besok jam berapa dengan jelas menjawab pukul 10.

Baiklah, besoknya jam 10, pasti aku kejar… wkwkwkwk….

Pukul 10.15, tidak ada kabar, aku WA si mas teknisi, ternyata sudah ada di ODP untuk nyambung konektor. Wow, luar biasa ini mas teknisi menepati janji. Yang sudah-sudah ada komplain kalau pasang IndiHome seperti ini bisa berhari-hari, ada kabelnya doang. Setelah pasang di ODP, dilanjut di rumah. Masih ada tapinya lagi, belum bisa langsung dipakai karena belum aktif. Mas teknisi pamitan meninggalkan tempat, bilang kalau sudah aktif nanti dihubungi. Waduh, alamat lama lagi ini, seperti yang aku baca di forum-forum.

Yey! Pemasangan IndiHome berhasil, sudah aktif

Waktu aku cek, ternyata benar-benar dapat 50 Mbps. Ya sudah, bisa dipakai internetan. Berhubung sebelumnya aku minta yang penting internetnya bisa aja dulu, maka aku sendiri yang harus merapikan kabelnya. Bukannya tidak percaya teknisi Telkom, tapi aku belum memiliki keinginan jelas dimana menempatkan modem dan router.

Intinya adalah per hari sabtu, 6 Juni 2020, IndiHome di rumah mertua sudah aktif. Sejauh ini semua baik-baik saja. Oh ya, satu hal yang agak aneh, status pemasangan di MyIndiHome masih dalam proses. Ya sudahlah, tidak masalah, tidak mempengaruhi koneksi internet kok. Nah, bagaimana dengan kalian? Bagaimana pengalaman dengan IndiHome?

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    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.

  16. Athena Repass:


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.


    We manufacture sculpture and supply plush backpacks.

    Thank you so much and sorry bothering directly.

  17. Olivia Langridge:


  18. Robert:


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  19. Tamara Whitacre:


  20. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  21. Laurie Kroll:


  22. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  23. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

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  25. Tressa Denby:


  26. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

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  28. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  29. Quyen Rosenbalm:


  30. Veronica Southwick:


  31. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  32. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  33. Akilah Jiminez:


  34. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  35. Robbie Mathes:


  36. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  37. Kory Mccracken:


  38. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  39. Felipa Edkins:


  40. James Southee:

    Wondering why SEO matters for your business?

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    Ready to unlock these benefits? Let’s chat about tailoring an SEO strategy for your business. Click here for more information

  41. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  42. Micki Murphy:


  43. Nilda Money:


  44. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  45. Jen Williams:


    This is Jen, a SEO copywriter and content writer with 12 million words written till now.

    I can write content for you as per your website I specialize in writing blogs, articles, e-commerce product descriptions, SEO content, website content, business service descriptions, newsletter content, content for brochures, Proofreading, Social Media Captions, Linkedin Content and content for SOPs.

    I charge USD 40 for 1000 words content including Keyword Research and Topic Research if you want.

    Send me an email at if you have any requirements.

  46. Glen Aiona:

    Aw, this was a very nice post. In idea I would like to put in writing like this additionally – taking time and actual effort to make a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and on no account seem to get something done.

  47. Bryce Bartholomew:


  48. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  49. Chad Beattie:


  50. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  51. Aidan Cowlishaw:


  52. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  53. Elmer Beardsley:


  54. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  55. Jesse Wan:


  56. Abe Ledford:


  57. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  58. Elinor Rees:


  59. Kristy Imler:


  60. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  61. Bin Zheng:


    Sorry bothering directly.
    This is Bin from China, we manufacture and supply kids backpacks over more than 120 countries.

    Novel design, unique style, independent patent, support customization, retail and wholesale, plush school bags, children’s toys. Competitive!

    Kindly contact me, so I can introduc you more.

    Best regards,
    [Guangzhou Crazy Pompom]

  62. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  63. Bin Zheng:


    Sorry bothering directly.
    This is Bin from China, we manufacture and supply kids backpacks over more than 120 countries.

    Novel design, unique style, independent patent, support customization, retail and wholesale, plush school bags, children’s toys. Competitive!

    Kindly contact me, so I can introduc you more.

    Best regards,
    [Guangzhou Crazy Pompom]

  64. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  65. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

    Introducing our exceptional children’s backpack – uniquely designed with independent intellectual property. With its distinctive appearance, our backpack has become a market favorite in over fifty countries. We offer flexible customization options to cater to your specific needs. Our supply chain ensures seamless deliveries, and our dedicated customer support guarantees a satisfying post-purchase experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to bring this beloved product to your market.

    Wait for your kindly further reply.

    Purchasing Director

  66. Bin Zheng:


    Sorry bothering directly.
    This is Bin from China, we manufacture and supply kids backpacks over more than 120 countries.

    Novel design, unique style, independent patent, support customization, retail and wholesale, plush school bags, children’s toys. Competitive!

    Kindly contact me, so I can introduc you more.

    Best regards,
    [Guangzhou Crazy Pompom]

  67. Zheng:

    Sorry for bothering directly.

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