Hubungan itu Harus Dimulai dengan Kejujuran

Anda pasti akan berteriak setuju jika saya bilang bahwa segala macam hubungan antara manusia dengan manusia itu harus dimulai dengan kejujuran. Ada pepatah mengatakan bahwa kejujuran adalah mata uang yang berlaku di manapun.

Lukisan Jaka Tarub oleh M. Idris.

Lukisan Jaka Tarub oleh M. Idris.

Meskipun bisa dibilang dewasa ini kejujuran sudah semakin langka, namun tidak membuat kejujuran itu tidak berlaku lagi. Bahkan saat ini kejujuran seperti oasis di tengah padang pasir kekacauan peradaban umat manusia saat ini. Kejujuran seperti layaknya perbuatan baik lainnya menjadi luar biasa, meskipun seharusnya itulah yang biasa.

Cerita rakyat Jaka Tarub

Pernah mendengar cerita Jaka Tarub? Versi asli ya, bukan versi yang telah digubah oleh stasiun TV sebelah yang ngawur itu. Cerita rakyat dari Jawa Tengah ini berkisah tentang seorang pemuda bernama Jaka Tarub. Tidak diceritakan apa pekerjaan pemuda itu, berhubung jaman dulu ya diasumsikan seorang petani saja.

Suatu ketika, Jaka Tarub melakukan perjalanan ke sebuah gunung yang terkenal keramat. Di gunung itu ada sebuah danau yang kebetulan saat itu ada 7 bidadari sedang mandi. Timbul niat kurang baik dari Jaka Tarub, ia menyembunyikan salah satu selendang mereka. Ketika selesai mandi, salah satu bidadari itu tidak bisa kembali ke kahyangan dan ditinggal 6 saudarinya. Saat itulah Jaka Tarub datang berpura-pura ingin menolong bidadari yang bernama Nawangwulan itu.

Singkat cerita, Jaka Tarub kemudian menikahi Nawangwulan dan hidup di sebuah desa dan memiliki putri bernama Nawangsih. Setelah bertahun menikah, Nawangwulan menggunakan kesaktiannya menanak nasi hanya sebutir untuk satu keluarga. Jaka Tarub penasaran dengan beras di lumbung yang tak kunjung habis. Ia pun membuka tutup penanak nasi, padahal sang istri telah melarangnya.

Akhirnya kesaktian Nawangwulan sudah tidak bisa digunakan untuk menanak nasi sehingga ia harus melakukannya dengan cara biasa. Dengan cara ini, beras di lumbung semakin menipis dan membuat Nawangwulan menemukan selendangnya yang ternyata disembunyikan oleh Jaka Tarub disitu. Nawangwulan pun marah dan akhirnya kembali ke kahyangan, meninggalkan Jaka Tarub dan putrinya Nawangsih.

Moral cerita rakyat Jaka Tarub

Seperti yang saya ungkap dalam posting lalu bahwa setiap mitos didesain untuk mengontrol sikap kita, begitu pula dengan cerita ini. Moral cerita dalam Jaka Tarub ini adalah bahwa setiap hubungan, utamanya hubungan cinta harus didasari oleh kejujuran.

Jaka Tarub yang menyembunyikan selendang Nawangwulan merupakan perbuatan yang tidak terpuji. Ia menyebabkan masalah pada orang lain dan kemudian datang menawarkan diri sebagai penolong, semua demi kepentingan dirinya pribadi tanpa memikirkan bagaimana nasib si korbannya. Bisa jadi kan di kahyangan si Nawangwulan sudah punya calon suami? 😀

Sesuatu yang tidak didasari kejujuran, pasti akan menjadi masalah di belakang hari. Percayalah bahwa masalah yang akan datang itu bukan masalah yang biasa saja. Kejujuran merupakan fondasi dari segala macam hubungan supaya tercapai harmonisasi. Seorang pemimpin yang jujur, tentu akan dicintai rakyatnya dan bisa hidup tenang. Tidak ada kejutan tiba-tiba ditangkap oleh KPK saat sedang mengunjungi mall. 🙂

Pada level terkecil, seseorang yang jujur kepada pasangannya tentu akan menambah nilai kebersamaan mereka. Nilai kebersamaan itu akan menjadi lengkap tanpa adanya rasa was-was akan rahasia yang terungkap dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu orang yang jujur tidak memiliki celah yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak menyukainya. Menurut saya seperti itu, bagaimana pendapat anda?

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Seorang yang percaya hari akhir dan mencari Tuhan melalui ilmu pengetahuan. Mengerti PHP, Wordpress dan Linux. Namun masih saja menggunakan Windows 10 sebagai sistem operasi utama. Mau tanya apa saja atau bahkan curhat sama penulis ini, hubungi saja melalui formulir kontak disini. Pasti dibalas, kok!

Ada 221 pendapat pembaca

Dibawah ini adalah pendapat yang dikirimkan pembaca atas artikel ini. Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia adalah negara bebas, anda boleh menulis apa saja asal mampu mempertanggungjawabkannya. Kami menerima kritik dan saran namun tidak menerima caci maki. Hidup cuma sekali, jangan sia-siakan hanya untuk menyakiti hati orang lain.

  1. indah nuria savitri:

    Setuju bangeeet…jujur juga kunci keberhasilan dalam apapun :D…apalagi sama pasangan, soalnya kalau ngg, pasti ketahuan juga nanti bohongnya :D…salam kenaal..

  2. adinda:

    kejujuran itu salah satu modal utama dalam berkehidupan 🙂

  3. Robin Gillette:

    you want to integrate Open AI With your Website or Bussiness ?

    Yes, I can build the integration for you. Oh yes, and I can also do ChatGPT, custom neural network, create a video, and actually everything, just put an order on Fiverr!

    Check Out How I can help you and join our happy customers ===>

    See u there


  4. David Palmer:

    If your broke, you must to watch this now


  5. Robin Ramey:

    If the conversion rates of your online store are too low, and you are looking for someone to help you to Boost Your Sales, Then you’re in the right place.

    I can Provide You with:

    – WordPress Landing page.

    – Sales Page, or Sales Funnel.

    – 3 Steps Sales Funnel.

    – Elementor Pro

    – Squeeze Page.

    – Lead Page.

    – Membership Funnel.

    – Webinar Funnel.

    – Autoresponder Integration.

    – Payment Gateway

    Check Out How I can help you and join our happy customers ===>

    See u there


  6. Mason Jones:


    Do you want to increase sales for your business 24/7?

    Then you might want to get an Animated Explainer Video that you can put on your website, post on social media and send out to potential clients in an email.

    And today we have slashed our price from $497 to just $97. So, you are saving $400 when you order this week.

    But this offer is only good this week, for the first 20 clients, so you need to order now, before you miss out.

    Click Here Now To Watch Our Video:

    For less than you spend on coffee each month, you get an American Owned Video company that can write your script, create your story board, lay-in a good soundtrack and produce an awesome video that brings home the bacon.

    Did you know:

    – 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it…
    – Putting videos on landing pages and websites can increase conversion rates by 80%…
    – 92% of people who watch videos share them with other people…

    This $97 promotion is for this week only. Don’t miss out!!! The normal price is $497, so today you are saving $400. Get your video today before the 20 discounted video slots are gone.

    Get Started Now!


  7. Merry Garber:


    We have a unique opportunity for you! Are you open to reviewing apps and earning from your insights?

    It’s a flexible way to make extra income on your own schedule. Click the link below to get started:

    Best regards,

    P.S. If you’d rather not receive emails like this in the future, simply reply with “STOP,” and we’ll respect your preferences.

  8. Anja Staley:


    While browsing, I stumbled upon your website and noticed a potential issue that might be affecting your user experience. I thought it might be of interest to you.

    To help out,To assist, you can request a report for free to gain deeper insights. at

    I hope this provides some valuable insights for you!

    Best regards,

  9. Abel Reiniger:


    What if I told you that you have the ability to attract untold wealth and abundance into your life

    And that this ability is lying dormant inside your DNA.

    Hard to believe?

    Well, this is exactly what a NASA scientist recently found out

    And he laid out a step-by-step method to unlock our dormant ability
 in this report you can get it for FREE.

    The simple yet scientifically proven Wealth DNA method laid out in the report allows you to effortlessly start attracting the wealth and abundance you deserve

So you can easily quit your soul sucking dead-end job and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

    Whether it’s traveling to exotic locations around the world

    Buy anything you want without having to check out the price tags

    And never having to worry about bills.

    Click here below to access this “Wealth DNA” report to awaken your dormant ability to attract wealth and abundance.

    Best regards,

    P.S. If you’d rather not receive emails like this in the future, simply reply with “STOP,” and we’ll respect your preferences.

  10. Eulalia Buckland:

    El Mejor Libro De Cocina Para Diabéticos Que Existe!

    MĂĄs De 150 FĂĄciles, RĂĄpidas Y Deliciosas Recetas de Cocina.

    Descargalo Gratis ——>>

  11. Bea Biaggini:

    While browsing, I stumbled upon your website and noticed a potential issue that might be affecting your user experience. I thought it might be of interest to you.

    To help out, I’ve created a quick report detailing what I found. You can access it for free at . I hope this provides some valuable insights for you!

    Best regards,

  12. Krystyna Ahrens:

    Have you used this super powerful Artificial intelligence bot that makes it fast & easy to grow revenue for your website

    Learn More in this FREE Case study:

    we stopped wasting so much time & money on paid ads… We let the Artificial intelligence tool generate sales for us.

    This software allows you to automate your sales & marketing tasks, quickly and easily, and it works like gangbusters. This free case study will show you how it can make your business more money

    Kind regards

    P.S: The creators of this Artificial intelligence bot consulted with the world’s top traffic and Direct Response Marketing gurus to teach the tool how to find potential customers, for
    You are missing out right now by not using it

  13. Louanne Camden:


    If you ever need Negative SEO or a de-rank strategy, you can hire us here

  14. Christian Costa:

    Hi there

    This is Christian, a representative from Go High Level.

    With our all-in-one marketing and sales platform, you will be able to keep your tools in one place (while saving a fortune) and streamline your entire delivery process so you can focus on keeping your clients happy.

    Discover some of the benefits of Go High Level:

    > Acquire More Customers: Leverage our platform to reach new heights in customer acquisition strategies.
    > Retain Clients Longer: Deliver exceptional experiences and keep your clients coming back for more.
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    Ready to experience the difference? Start your 14-day free trial today and witness the magic firsthand:

    This powerful tool seamlessly replaces several standalone applications, including Semrush, Clickfunnels, WordPress, Mailchimp, and many more!

    Best regards,

    Go High Level Team

  15. Billie Gargett:


    While browsing, I stumbled upon your website and noticed a potential issue that might be affecting your user experience. I thought it might be of interest to you.

    To help out, I’ve created a quick report detailing what I found. You can access it for free at . I hope this provides some valuable insights for you!

    Best regards,

  16. Lemuel Michalski:

    Aren’t you sick of paying so much for premium WordPress themes and plugins for Get access to all permium themes and plugins for pennies at Stop dreaming, start dominating!

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  17. Kerri Hatcher:

    Hey, SEO Pro!

    ​Did you know that Shinefy has an annual deal that breaks down to about 42 bucks a month? (499 per year)

    Most SEO tools cost hundreds a month and do a fraction of what Shinefy does.


    With Shinefy, you can replace tools like:


    Screaming Frog (website audit tool), Jasper (AI Content Tool), Semrush or Ahrefs (Traffic Checker and Keyword tool), Surfer SEO (On page optimizer tool)

    You can also replace ElevenLabs, MidJourney, Synthesia and more!!!

    Shinefy is you all in one AI content creation and SEO tool!!!


    On top of that, when you get Shinefy, you support the development of the tool – I am spending nearly all of my time making something that will help you CRUSH it on Google.


    ==> Grab The Shinefy Deal Right Now​

    I can’t offer this deal forever but if you want to get in right now you will also get access to the tool and updates with the early adopters plan.


    That means next year you won’t have to pay more when the price of the tool skyrockets!


    Happy SEO’ing,

  18. Ronald Beatty:

    You’ve never heard of me. Hi, I’m Daniel. I got your website from top secret servers using a biorythmic metaspyder with a 100GB nutro-plasmic VPN that I

    Ok, I got it by just googling you.

    Let me get right down to it

    I don’t know if this is a problem you have, but I GROW companies like yours by assisting them in acquiring their competitors or other complimentary businesses so that they do not have to do any additional marketing, getting new employees, or increasing time and energy input.

    I work with a team of acquisition experts who are all better than me, and they take care of the whole business acquisition process even up to funding. You do not have to lift a finger.

    I’m not sure if this is a problem you have, and if it’s not, that’s totally cool.

    If it is, here’s how our CEO explains the process. 

    If you are even slightly curious about what our CEO is offering, I promise to be somewhat useful and give you some ideas you’re free to steal. If you play your cards right, I might even tell you the lamest joke I know if you book a call here:

    Finally, it’s time to release my favorite weapon. A picture of Rufus the cat nervously anticipating a response… (Don’t lie, you are looking for the Cat

    I await your deservedly annoyed response.

    Have a more than tolerable day!
    Daniel Udezi, MD, MBA.
    Team 3500 Businesses Bought / Feeding 200 Kids Monthly / Below Average Runner

  19. Trevor Maccallum:

    Hi there,

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
    to any website or offer you want.

    I’ve seen a few of these sites in the past,
    but this one looks like the real-deal…

    Check it out and see what you think!



  20. Grant Lira:


    I would like to get you featured on a podcast with absolutely no cost.

    On top of that, I would also get you featured in an online article and create video content for social media from your podcast appearance all at no cost.

    Why am I doing this?

    Because I know once you see how our PR firm operates, you’ll want to work with us.

    Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself at no cost to you.

    We are doing this for the first 10 people who get back to us who qualify because it takes up a lot of our team’s time.

    The only thing I ask is that you tell me if your business is NOT doing 7+ figures.

    I reached out to you because I think you have a 7+ figure business. Most of the hosts that we have connections with are looking for 7+ figure businesses to interview.

    I want to make sure we don’t lie to them so please let me know if you aren’t.

    So, if you qualify, check here to see how our process works for this and book a short call with one of our PR Strategists:

    Click here: –>


  21. Elena Pierson:

    Hey, is tax-proof yet? Get worry-free services and support at to make sure you aren’t overtaxed! Protect your personal assets now – 2023 ends in just 2 months!

    Imagine the possibilities!

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  22. Jamika Dorsch:

    Do you struggle with creating high-quality videos that capture your audience’s attention?

    Are you frustrated with the complicated and time-consuming process of video editing?

    We understand your pain, and that’s why we created Pictory – the AI-powered video editing tool that simplifies the process for you.

    Say goodbye to the hassle of video editing and hello to effortless, professional-looking videos that elevate your brand.

    Click here to see how Pictory can revolutionize your video marketing game.

    3774 Union CT, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

  23. Steve Collins:

    Hey there, my name is Steve and I am a remote recruitment agent for WorkWithAI, I checked out your website and I am impressed. I am currently looking for a couple more app reviewers to join our team. The position is flexible so you can work it a couple hours a day on the side of your main business, it pays a minimum of $200 per day and would involve writing a couple app reviews a day.

    We currently are hiring 3 more people from your location, if you are interested you can view the details of the job by clicking my hiring link below, it isn’t the hardest job but we are looking for the most qualified candidates to proceed.

    Thank you for your time, we hope to see you on our team!

    Talk soon,
    Steve from WorkWithAI

  24. Evelyne Hutton:


    Looking for the best article spinner now using the power of ChatGPT? Look no further.

    Opt out of future messages by replying to the message and saying opt out.

  25. Barnie Chavis:

    Once I added this to my website my revenue doubled:

  26. Kathryn Chang:

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
    to any website or offer you want.

    I’ve seen a few of these sites in the past,
    but this one looks like the real-deal…

    Check it out and see what you think!



  27. Reinaldo Marchand:

    Did you know that you can use this secret Artificial intelligence assistant that makes it fast & easy to grow profits for your website

    You’ll get the full blueprint in this FREE Case study:

    Our business stopped wasting so much time and money on paid ads… We just let the Artificial intelligence tool generate sales for us.

    It allows you to fully automate your sales & marketing, quickly and easily, and it works wonders. Check out how to go from zero to hero in 7 days in this free case study


    P.S: The inventors of this Artificial intelligence software consulted with the world’s smartest traffic generation and Direct Response Marketing experts to teach the AI how to find super targeted customers, FOR YOU.
    You are missing out right now by not using it

    Reinaldo, Marchand

    3658 Fieldcrest Road, Winston Salem, NC 27104, United States.

    041 869 61 50

    If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, you may opt-out by filling this form:

    Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed.

    If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately.

  28. Joseph Dubay:

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
    to any website or offer you want.

    I’ve seen a few of these sites in the past,
    but this one looks like the real-deal…

    Check it out and see what you think!



  29. Ashley Lindstrom:

    My boss is offering to help companies for FREE, as we close out 2023.

    If you’re struggling with lead generation, closing more sales, taking time off, or scaling your company, I want you to take this offer.

    Book a time with Dave directly on his personal calendar to get some FREE consulting on some new ways to grow your company:

    Dave Valentine is a serial marketing agency owner who’s scaled multiple marketing agencies to 7-figures and exited them successfully. He’s been featured in Forbes, interviewed on 100+ podcasts in the past year, and is the author of the book The Marketer’s Mind.


  30. Trevor Labilliere:

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
    to any website or offer you want.

    I’ve seen a few of these sites in the past,
    but this one looks like the real-deal…

    Check it out and see what you think!



  31. Elizbeth Hutcherson:

    Traffic, more traffic, and even more traffic! We all know that traffic is the lifeblood of our businesses, and without it, we’re doomed to failure. But getting the right traffic to our links can be a real challenge.

    That’s where we come in, we’ve spent years mastering the art of driving traffic effectively. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking opportunity: Big Ten Traffic.

    What’s Big Ten Traffic?

    It’s unlike anything we’ve ever done before. You can place any URL of your choice on the rotators of all 10 of my all-time best-selling traffic products. Each rotator provides daily traffic from a completely different traffic source, including a brand-new Rotator created especially for this launch.

    Why Big Ten Traffic?

    Diverse Traffic Sources: You’ll receive daily traffic from 10 unique sources, including our latest discovery, a red-hot traffic source that’s currently on fire.
    Proven Success: Our traffic products are all-time bestsellers, including “Place Your Link 3.0,” “Traffic Time 3.0,” and “Triple Traffic 2.0.” The traffic never stops.
    Exclusive Offer: Act fast to secure your spot on the new Big Ten Traffic Rotator, which is currently empty, ensuring you get traffic from the red-hot source before anyone else does.
    How to Get Started:

    Pick up your copy of Big Ten Traffic today before the price goes up.
    Choose the URL you want to promote and submit it.
    That’s it! Sit back and enjoy daily traffic from 10 different sources.
    But remember, act quickly. The new Big Ten Traffic Rotator is ready for your links, and it’s from a brand-new, high-converting source.

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to 10x your traffic results with Big Ten Traffic. Grab your link and get started now.

    This offer won’t last forever, so seize it while you can. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to supercharge your traffic and take your business to new heights.

    To your success,

  32. Lester S.:


    I just check through your this website’s contact us form and found that your form security is compromized. I believe you may have got massive spam by now. I am a freelance website developer. I can help you to secure it to stop others from spamming it.

    This message is not a spam, I manually filling up this form, not bot. Please be kind with your reply though, I am a real hardworking dude that just offering my time and service only.

    If you are not a decision maker, appreciate if you can forward this email to your immediate supervisor.

    Thank you,

  33. Edythe Getty:

    Greetings Entrepreneur,

    A few hours ago AAC – Affiliate Advertising Club launched.

    This is super exciting.

    Watch the 12 min video

    3 ways to earn
    Free to register
    No monthly fees

    Yes, I do have a share funnel for everyone to use: here

    Addicted to your success,

    Frank Calabro Jr

  34. Latosha Brien:

    Thats right!….

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.


  35. Lena Krebs:

    Thats right!….

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.

    Regards, Mark

  36. Joanna Ellison:

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
    to any website or offer you want.

    I’ve seen a few of these sites in the past,
    but this one looks like the real-deal…

    Check it out and see what you think!



  37. Wolfgang De Bernales:

    Thats right!….

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.

    Regards, Mark

  38. Rocco Casteel:

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  39. Sarah Blackall:

    Hey, site speed could use a boost. Upgrade to cloud hosting for faster performance now!
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  40. Myrna Garnsey:

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  41. Xavier La Trobe:

    Quite the selection:

  42. Denis Ridgley:

    Thats right!….

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.

    Regards, Mark

  43. Kiera Ibarra:

    Thats right!….

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.

    Regards, Mark

  44. Nichole Honner:

    I sincerely believe you will love these:

    Have a wonderful day

  45. Raymond Sheffield:

    we need genuine feedback from real people

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    and let us know how we are doing and what we can do better!

  46. Winifred Simpkinson:

    Do you do this?

  47. Bob Ross:

    Failing to get your potential customers from social media?

    Would you be interested in free short videos for your social media content?

    Reply with “YES”

    Thanks, Bob

    1721 SWW White Rd San Antonio, TX 78220

    To unsubscribe reply “STOP” in the subject line,
    include the URL to unsubscribe.

  48. Therese Levien:

    Listen we aren’t going to sugar coat it.
    We sell jerseys.
    Find yours here:

  49. Buddy Fenner:

    Jesse Doubek is one of the most-successful online marketers of our time. As Co-Founder and CEO of Doubek Digital Media, his agency has worked with some of the greatest online entrepreneurs in the world (including NYT Bestselling Authors like Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, and Sonia Choquette) and driven a documented $10M+ in sales.
    Let him teach you how with free 7 Keys to 7-Figures Masterclass Funnel.
    Click Here: >>>

  50. Isabella Garcia:


    I wanted to reach out as a representative of Verti Group International, your secret weapon for enhancing your online presence and dominating the search engine rankings.

    Let’s face it. SEO can be a mysterious and ever-changing landscape, leaving you feeling lost and overwhelmed. But fear not! Our team of experts, who have been doing this for 12 years, is here to guide you.

    Unlock the potential of your website with our free, in-depth review. We’ll identify areas for improvement and provide you with a roadmap to optimize your site. Take the first step towards SEO success today!

    Click here: –>

    Looking forward to propelling your online visibility to new heights.

    Best regards,

    Isabella Garcia
    Verti Group International

    P.S. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity. Claim your free website review now!

  51. Twyla Camp:

    This brand spanking *NEW* software is making me up
    to $347 A Day.


    Hurry before it’s too late.

    Regards, Mark

  52. Sim Yen Chun:


    I’m just checking if you are looking to redo your company’s website –

    This is Sim & I’m an independent WordPress website developer, who just began to venture out on my own. 🙂

    My fee is from as low as $695 only per website. I’m just trying to expand my work portfolio and not trying to make any money in any way actually.

    Reply me if you want to look at some of my websites that I’ve recently designed and launched for my clients.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Freelance WordPress Designer from Singapore
    PixelPulz Digital

  53. Chase Pimentel:

    This Ai hack for your business leads is crazy

  54. Dr. Mark Wilba:

    Hi, I have a ton of leads that want to pay for your products / services. When do you have a second to chat about them? Would you be willing to do a comission on the leads I send over? Please reply with your best phone number so that we can discuss. -Mark W.

  55. Tara Isom:

    Why WordAI?

    Whether you’re a blogger
    content creator, or business owner
    WordAI takes your content to the next level.
    It’s not just a spinner; it’s a comprehensive solution for
    creating high-quality, engaging content.

    Check it out here:

  56. Lester Adler:


    Ever wondered how to get your website,, to rank on Google’s #1 page with a step-by-step action plan? Get your F.REE SEO audit report including customized action plans at –

    Have a great day ahead.

    SEO Consultant
    Novustri Digital

  57. Martha Ferrer:

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  58. Lionel Darnell:

    Hey there! I’m very experienced with AI and I want to show you something you could start leveraging in your bisuness to get a TON of leads, free of charge. Respond with, “Ăœes” if you’d like me to send you more info.

  59. Rae Macintosh:

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  61. Lino Rothstein:

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  62. Doug Shume:

    Hi, I have an overflow of customers that I’d like to send to you but I want to make sure you can handle more leads, let me know if you’d like me to send you more info.

  63. Wil Bur:

    Hey, there! My name is Wil and I have a MASSIVE list of leads that are interested in buying from you. Is this a good place to to send you more information about the leads? Let me know.

  64. Willian McGovern:

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  65. Alyssa Beatham:

    High Quality Leather Shoes Video

  66. Ravi Keane:

    My name is Ravi, owner of Webomaze Australia. You have finally found an SEO Company that GETS RESULTS. The proof is my 24,800+ reviews out of which 98.6% are 5-STAR REVIEWS.
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    And we do everything to make it a great experience of working with us. We are in touch with you at every stage of the project. Even after we deliver the project, I will support you with any query you have.

    Contact me today and get a FREE SEO AUDIT for your website

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  67. Dacia Skemp:

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  68. Russell Edmiston:

    Exploring the possibilities of modern lingerie and shapewear


  69. Ermelinda Flournoy:

    This is seriously perfect for you

  70. Marla Shuler:

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  71. Wilford Marcantel:

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  72. Chelsea Medders:

    I didn’t think this was possible:

  73. Ravi Homan:

    My name is Ravi, owner of Webomaze Australia. You have finally found an SEO Company that GETS RESULTS. The proof is my 24,800+ reviews out of which 98.6% are 5-STAR REVIEWS.
    I recently grew my client’s organic search traffi with high google search ranking by 166% in 4 months. We’re an SEO Company with a difference.Our focus is Customer Delight.

    And we do everything to make it a great experience of working with us. We are in touch with you at every stage of the project. Even after we deliver the project, I will support you with any query you have.

    Contact me today and get a FREE SEO AUDIT for your website

    Click here to start ====>

  74. Eric Grey:

    Immediate action is required: List your domain on DomainListings.

    Go to

    Eric Grey
    Head of Compliance

  75. Bobby Ryan:

    Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?

  76. John Manchester:


    I’ll skip to the point. We specialize in custom logo’d gear to help your business shine.

    Struggling with fresh promo ideas? Let’s change that. With our direct factory connections, we have unique, economical solutions. Plus, you’ll work directly with me for a personalized experience.

    Because we work directly with the factories, a minimum shipment would have to be $ 1,000. If that’s not possible, no worries! Just let me know.

    Ready for an upgrade? We’ll cover setups and shipping for the rest of the month. Ideal for the upcoming Tradeshow and Summer Outing season.

    If you’d like to brainstorm some incredible ideas and make your brand stand out from the competition, book a time to chat with me here:

    Looking forward to elevating your brand!

    John Manchester
    Screaming Logos

    P.S. Think beyond mugs and pens – let’s become creative

  77. Richard Thomas:

    I saw that your google my business listing is not working as it should. Like where google show customers your business. I can give you a list of a couple things to fix, is that ok?

  78. Matthew Martinez:

    Hi, I’ve observed some inaccuracies in your Google listing; is this the correct contact for addressing them?

  79. Nereida Kidd:

    Get More Sales, Traffic and RANKINGS with the SNEAKY method

    I’m using a SNEAKY tactic to rank on the first page of GOOGLE and siphon as much TARGETED TRAFFIC as I want!

    Discover my dirty litte-ranking secret:


  80. Zayne ‎:

    Hi, my name is Zayne and I’d like to volunteer my time to you. I have a ton of experience building and optimizing SEO for websites. I’ve found that one of the best ways to get to know new people is by volunteering, so I’d like to donate my time to you.

    Drop me a text on +61 407410053

    Or alternatively you can fill out the form at

    Looking forward to partnering with you.

    Warm regards,

  81. Floyd Waldock:

    Discover How We Make $25/min with GPT

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    click here so see it

    thank me later

  82. Richard Thomas:

    I saw your google, its not, well its not right. Like where google show customers about your business. I don’t want to impose, but there are a couple things that are just not right, may I tell you what they are?

  83. Brent Fouch:

    Hey, I noticed your website isn’t using AI yet, can I send over something that I think would help?

  84. Marcela Loch:

    Discover How We Make $25/min with GPT

    Get our Most Profitable AI Apps for Chat-GPT

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    100% GUARANTEED you NEVER SAW these AI Tricks in ALL of 2024.. or 5x your money-back!

    click here so see it

    thank me later

  85. Leroy Amundson:

    Is there a reason you’re not hosting on a faster, more cost-effective platform like Cloudways?

  86. Mark Shultz:

    Boost your business revenue effortlessly with ProfitMarc! Our AI-driven platform writes and sends high-converting emails for you, targeting fresh, pre-qualified leads.

    With our state-of-the-art delivery system, see a significant increase in engagement and sales. Don’t miss out on the easiest way to enhance your marketing strategy and drive profits.

    Click Below to explore ProfitMarc and start generating leads!


  87. Taylor Carmack:

    Demotration Video :

    Building muscle with resistance bands is an effective way to enhance your strength and fitness. By incorporating the following moves into your workout routine, you can target various muscle groups and achieve a full-body workout.

    Start by stretching your entire body and then pull up with your arms, using the fitness resistance band to bring it to shoulder level. This action engages your upper body muscles and helps in building strength.

    Next, position the resistance band at the soles of your feet and push your hips back while bending your knees. This move targets the lower body muscles, particularly the glutes and thighs.

    To work on your upper body, place the resistance band between the soles of your feet and pull upward with your hands, contracting your shoulder muscles and engaging your core.

    For a challenging full-body exercise, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart to support your body. Keep your body and feet in a straight line, ensuring your chest is up, abs are engaged, and shoulders are down.

    To target the triceps, keep your arms close to your body, straighten your elbows, and feel the muscles tighten as you contract at the highest point for one to two seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this movement with both arms to ensure balanced muscle development.

    Additionally, you can incorporate lateral and front resistance band pulls to strengthen the muscles in your legs. By securing the elastic band and pulling horizontally, you engage the muscles in your arms and chest.

    To further enhance lower body strength, perform thigh side-to-side or front-and-back pulls with the resistance band. This helps in strengthening the muscles in your legs and improving overall stability.

    Remember, resistance bands can be used anywhere, making them a convenient option for home workouts or while traveling. With ankle straps and door attachments, you can easily incorporate resistance band exercises into your fitness routine without the need for bulky equipment.

    Incorporating these resistance band moves into your workout regimen can help you achieve a well-rounded strength training routine that targets various muscle groups throughout your body.

  88. Billie Harrington:

    Want to skyrocket your brand? TV is the best way to do that!

    Not only can we get you on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, etc…

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    We GUARANTEE that we will get your business on one of the major TV networks.

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    – You can do this in the studio

    – We can provide a spokesperson for you

    – You can have Kevin Harrington, one of the original Sharks on Shark Tank on with you

    Go to –
    Email Us At –

  89. Mckinley Worthen:


    Try your luck today.

    Check this out :

    Thank you for your support and have a great day,

    Mckinley Worthen

  90. Brent Fouch:

    Can I send you something to help your website use AI?

  91. Orlando Hemming:

    Did you hear about the unusual rice method that liquifies fat cells as you sleep?

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    Don’t waste another second on:

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    X— Calorie counting

    Instead, just try this one easy fat-dissolving rice method before you sleep tonight and drop lbs of stubborn fat by morning.

    Click here:

    To your health,

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject.

  92. Rosaline Manners:

    Want to skyrocket your brand? TV is the best way to do that!

    Not only can we get you on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, etc…

    But we can also get published on over 130 sites like Yahoo.

    We GUARANTEE that we will get your business on one of the major TV networks.

    – You can do this virtually

    – You can do this in the studio

    – We can provide a spokesperson for you

    – You can have Kevin Harrington, one of the original Sharks on Shark Tank on with you

    Go to –
    Email Us At –

  93. Cristina Blackett:

    Hey! I’ve been loving your videos and content – seriously awesome stuff. You know what could take it up a notch?

    Adding subtitles or captions!

    As a content creator, I’ve been using this cool tool for my videos:

    It’s been a game-changer for me.

    Give it a shot! Hope that helps. Cheers!

  94. Ulrich Blythe:


    Try your luck today.

    Check this out :

    Thank you for your support and have a great day,

    Ulrich Blythe

  95. Matthew Martinez:

    Hello, I noticed mistakes in your Google listing. Can I contact you to help fix them?

  96. Fatima Abarca:

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== >
    See you there


  97. Huey Essex:

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  98. Eulah Devries:

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  99. Marcos Segura:


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    Thank you and good luck,

    Marcos Segura

  100. Liles:


    Did you notice the problems with your website’s performance?

    if you would like to improve your website’s
    performance as per Google’s standards,
    just reply to me, at ( )

    Thank You.

    Waiting for your reply.


  101. Regina Fiedler:


    Are you seeking to rebuild or revamp ?

    Look no further! We specialize in creating stunning and professional WordPress websites tailored to meet your unique needs.

    Our team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction, and we guarantee a website that not only reflects your brand but also
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    Check us out here :

    Thank you and have a great day,


  102. Getz:


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    If you’d rather not find out more about building business credit, simply reply to this email with the word REMOVE in the subject line and your wish will be promptly granted.

  103. Alena Sommerlad:


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    Thank you for your support and have a great day,


  104. Colunga:

    Want more leads at a reduced cost that close at a higher rate than any other advertising platform out there?

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    So, if you want to use AI to grow your business, comment YES and we will get back to you ASAP

  105. Bobby Ryan:

    Hello, I’ve observed some issues with your website’s performance on Google. May I send the details here?

  106. Alex Donoghue:


    Are you seeking to rebuild or revamp ?

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    Our Freelancers can create just about anything for your website : Graphic design – logos, social media posts, banners, business cards, book covers Video editing – sizzle reels, event highlight reels, trailers Article & copy writing – blog posts, SEO articles, product descriptions and much more…

    Our team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction, and we guarantee a website that not only reflects your brand but also
    enhances your online presence. Let us bring your vision to life!

    Check us out here :

    Thank you and have a great day,


  107. Ashlee Walker:

    I know this is random, but I’ve found a way to guarantee you exclusive targeted phone calls almost immediately with no time spent on your part.
    Would you like to hear how it works?

  108. Platz:

    Hi, I teach businesses like yours on getting new clients. When do you have time for a call this

  109. Tatiana Sloane:

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== >
    See you there


  110. Brent Fouch:

    May I send you something to enhance your website with AI?

  111. Steven Clark:

    Your Google setup is wrong; I can explain if you need.

  112. Aaron Mason:

    Are you ready to leap ahead of the competition and drive your business into the future? Our Quantum AI Blockchain (QAB) Newsletter is meticulously crafted to bring you the latest and most practical insights in Quantum Computing, AI, and Blockchain technologies.

    Why Subscribe to Our QAB Newsletter?

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    Save Valuable Resources: Our insights enable you to optimize your QAB business automation applications efficiently, saving you time, money, and resources.
    Ease Your Mind: Say goodbye to research fatigue and tech overwhelm. Our newsletter simplifies the vast world of QAB into manageable, actionable steps.
    Boost Productivity: Imagine enjoying more time with family and loved ones at the beach on holiday, all while your business runs smoothly and efficiently in the background.

    Join the ranks of forward-thinkers benefiting from our newsletter.
    Don’t let your competitors get ahead – subscribe now and receive free samples.
    See firsthand how our QAB Newsletter can transform your business operations and help you create lasting memories without compromising work productivity.

    Interested? Reply “Yes” to start your journey to the front tier of business technology.

    Prefer privacy? Visit our Telegram Group at

    Not ready for a transformation? Simply reply with “not interested” and we’ll ensure you won’t receive further marketing messages from us.

  113. Jacob Stewart:

    Hey, I’m using the contact form because I noticed you didnt have an A.I. chat option

    I have a software that adds an A.I. chat feature for small businesses like yours.

    You got a few minutes so I can demo it for you?

    Its making some of the other users lots of money and its mostly automated so it won’t add to your plate.

    PS reply back “AI Chatbot” for more info

  114. Sasha Dyal:

    Special promotion: Get started with conversation Ai and boost your business operations for under $1,000 a month.

    Don’t get left behind; unlock your free 30 minute demonstration here.

  115. Rayford Verdon:


    Are you seeking to rebuild or revamp ?

    Look no further!

    Our Freelancers can create just about anything for your website : Graphic design – logos, social media posts, banners, business cards, book covers Video editing – sizzle reels, event highlight reels, trailers Article & copy writing – blog posts, SEO articles, product descriptions and much more…

    Our team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction, and we guarantee a website that not only reflects your brand but also
    enhances your online presence. Let us bring your vision to life!

    Check us out here :

    Thank you and have a great day,


  116. Keith Costantino:

    Boost efficiency & leap ahead of the competition with our easy-to-integrate AI tools.
    Let’s unlock your business’s potential together.
    If this interests you, respond to this email with a YES.


  117. Seth Lau:


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  118. Brent Fouch:

    Have you noticed your website’s performance problems?

  119. Alexander Walker:

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s web design?

  120. Kris Shultz:

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s web design?

  121. Bobby Ryan:

    I’ve got some leads that are interested in your company, who/where can I send them?

  122. Matthew Martinez:

    I’ve got some leads that are interested in your company, who/where can I send them?

  123. Louis Coote:

    Hi, I made a free video for your business. May I ask if this is the best place to send it?

  124. Virgie Knopf:

    It’s time to create VIRAL content through our POWERFUL AI tool!
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  125. Florrie Mackey:

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  126. Kenneth White:

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s performance?

  127. Dacia Walker:

    Hello, I’ve detected some inconsistencies in your Google listing. Is this the right place to discuss them?

  128. Iona Yali:

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== >
    See you there


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  130. Dinah Howton:


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  131. Sheldon Ram:

    Hi, I’m looking to buy a business like yours. Can I make you an offer?

  132. Tresa Shultz:

    Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?

  133. Allie Henning:

    Hey, there!

    My name is Will and I have a MASSIVE list of leads that are interested in buying from you. If you are interested, check this video, it’s just too easy to have a bunch of leads:

    Great Day!

  134. Brent Fouch:

    Are you aware of the performance issues with your website?

  135. Zoila Grenda:


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  137. Tangela Tishler:


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    Reply “YES” if interested to receive more information

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    Good Day

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  139. Angus Dundalli:


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  141. Aaron Mason:

    Are you ready to leap ahead of the competition and drive your business into the future frontier?

    Our Quantum AI Blockchain (QAB) Newsletter is meticulously crafted to bring you the latest and most practical insights in Quantum Computing, AI, and Blockchain technologies.

    Why Subscribe to Our QAB Newsletter?

    Stay Ahead: We distill complex QAB advancements into actionable insights, keeping you at the forefront of technological innovation.
    Save Valuable Resources: Our insights enable you to optimize your QAB business automation applications efficiently, saving you time, money, and resources.
    Ease Your Mind: Say goodbye to research fatigue and tech overwhelm. Our newsletter simplifies the vast world of QAB into manageable, actionable steps.
    Boost Productivity: Imagine enjoying more time with family and loved ones at the beach on holiday, all while your business runs smoothly and efficiently in the background.

    Join the ranks of forward-thinkers benefiting from our newsletter.
    Don’t let your competitors get ahead – subscribe now and receive free samples.
    Transform your business operations and help you create lasting memories with extra work productivity.

    Interested? Reply “Yes” to start your journey to the front tier of business technology.

    Prefer privacy? Visit our Telegram Group at

    Not ready for a transformation? Simply reply with “not interested” and we’ll ensure you won’t receive further marketing messages from us.

  142. Luisa Speed:

    We all know we shouldn't drink too much…

    Especially when trying to lose weight.

    Yet, the real reason is NOT because of the calories…

    It’ss because the entire fat-burning process depends on a healthy liver.

    Fact is, too much alcohol can damage your liver and your metabolism.

    However, the remarkably powerful Mediterranean ritual below naturally protects and
    rapidly purifies your liver of EVERY alcohol…

    Allowing you to enjoy an extra drink or two while promoting fat loss at the same time.

    That’s why, if you’re gonna drink, do this simple Mediterranean Ritual before hand
    (takes 30 seconds):

  143. Violette Kemble:

    Newbie Friendly Method Reveals How We get FREE Traffic In Just 30 Minutes Per Day!


  144. Dennis Elmer:


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    Thank you and have a good day,


  145. Grazyna Sissons:


    After 12 years of intense research on over 24,000 patients in his weight loss clinic from Burke, VA

    A brilliant board-certified doctor has revealed how regenerating one of your body’s organs can lead to a huge 35Ibs weight loss in just 12 weeks.

    And the reason why I am sharing this with you

    Is because it takes only 2 minutes to regenerate this organ and you’ll turn your body into a fat-melting furnace.

    Can you guess which organ you must regenerate in order to reach your ideal weight in record time?

    Is it your…
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    b) Brain
    c) Stomach
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    Tap on your answer above or go to this page to see why it can actually melt 35Ibs in just 12 weeks!


  146. Domenic Sheedy:

    This bizarre Blue Tonic is the talk of Tik Tok with scores of users crediting it for their weight loss success.

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    Visit link below to find out all about it.

    This oriental blue tonic melts fat overnight:

  147. Caren Hilson:

    The shocking reality of AI
 caught on camera.

    Big tech claims it’s nothing to worry about.

    They say A does weird things for no apparent reason.

    But I’m not convinced. And neither should you be.

    AI is part of something much bigger, and more sinister.

    A warning of the coming apocalypse.

    They’ve been hiding the real purpose of AI from the public
 And now it’s coming out

    We have no idea what AI will do to humanity in the future, yet the elites are racing forward to develop it.

    We’ve prepared an urgent documentary to help you understand and prepare for the dangers of AI.

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  149. Michaela Basaldua:


    I see that you registered for our LIVE training
 But you didn’t show up

    Honestly, you have no idea what you missed!

    We skipped the fluff and marketing B.S. most webinars are notorious for

    And we literally handed over a step-by-step, click-by-click blueprint for making that first paycheck in 48 hours or less, with $0 investment.

    It was mind-blowing!

    Luckily for you

    I’ve created you a PRIVATE replay link below:

    It’s only good for 48 hours, but that should be enough.

    Just make sure you watch it before we take it down.

    To your success,


  150. Dan Seaman:


    If you need business financing fast, our fintech solution (2,000 Trust Pilot 5-Star reviews), analyzes the top 75+ lenders to find the perfect loan for YOUR business. Your personal concierge will generate three offers based on your needs with fast approvals & funding in 48 hours (no hard credit pull!).
    Click here to learn how easy it is:


  151. Marc Schardt:

    Human Written & real Content is the only way to rank on 1st page on Google.

    If you are serious about your business, this is a must do to rank better in search engines.

    Professional Articles are easily charged $50/Article. This way it goes for 30 x $50 = $1500

    But i can get you this at way lower price but i would request you to continue this work because once you stop Adding Content to your website, Google will start dropping your rankings.

    It is a continuous and dedicated process.

    We will offer you a Real SEO satisfied Article with proper Image and internal Links to make your linking profile better that will help you rank even better.

    You can contact us thru chat available on our website anytime or drop us your details thru the same if chat support is taking time.

    Our Article Writing & Posting service link –

    Don’t worry about the price offer for others, i can discount it for you if you are really serious about your Business i.e. Rankings.

    Let’s Make your Business be visible on Page 1 of Google. We’ll do every bit of hardwork to make this happen for you.

  152. Pedro Mais:

    Does your salad contain this vegetable?

    New research out of the University of Verona, Italy found an ingredient called lectin found inside this so-called “healthy” vegetable will poke holes in your gut, the lining of your intestine…

    meaning it cannot absorb nutrients, increasing inflammation and slowing your metabolism, making you fatter and sicker.

    Researchers found lectin is so dangerous its now referred to as a “anti-nutrient”…

    And it’s found in this everyday vegetable.

    Yes it sounds crazy.

    I thought that too, but then I saw this alarming video.

    So what is this evil vegetable?

    >>> Click Here To Discover The One Vegetable You Should NEVER Eat (Makes You Fat And Sick)

    To your health!

    PS. Don’t eat another salad until you watch the video. It’s scary, because millions of us are eating this dangerous vegetable every day. Studies show this could explain today’s obesity epidemic. It’s not because your not dieting enough, it’s because you’re eating this evil vegetable.

  153. Bernd Arreola:


    Acknowledging Your Message

    Get up a personal loan up to $5,000.

    A personal loan can be the solution you are looking for.

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    We partner with 100+ lenders. This means we could connect you with one of several lenders in our network.

    Simply go to

    Thank you and have a good day,


  154. Heriberto Stoker:

    Dear Seeker of Abundance,

    Are you ready to unlock the secrets to abundance and prosperity and create a life filled with wealth, fulfillment, and joy? Our comprehensive eBook is here to guide you on your journey towards financial freedom and abundance.

    Inside our eBook, you’ll discover practical strategies, mindfulness techniques, and wealth-building principles that will empower you to manifest your dreams and achieve your financial goals. Whether you’re looking to enhance your financial well-being, cultivate a mindset of gratitude, or navigate through financial challenges with resilience, our eBook has you covered.

    Here’s what you can expect from our eBook:

    – Practical tips and actionable advice on budgeting, saving, and investing
    – Insights into the transformative power of generosity and mindfulness
    – Strategies for overcoming financial challenges and building resilience
    – Guidance on creating a personalized wealth blueprint for success
    – Tools for cultivating gratitude and embracing abundance in every aspect of your life
    – Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your financial future and create a life of abundance and prosperity. Get your copy of our eBook today and embark on a journey towards financial freedom, joy, and fulfillment.

    Click to purchase your copy now.

    Thank you for investing in yourself and your future.


  155. Lucinda Mathieu:

    Dear Shopper,

    Like many of us, you probably enjoy the convenience of shopping on Amazon. But what if we told you there’s a smarter way to shop? A way where you can purchase the exact same products for less than a third of the price—or even at 90% off!

    Imagine the savings and the extra joy of getting more for less. Intrigued? We invite you to explore this opportunity. It’s time to make your shopping experience not only convenient but also incredibly cost-effective.

    Don’t miss out on this chance to maximize your savings. Check out our website now!

    Warm regards!

  156. Leanne Mauldin:

    This short independent documentary has the Catholic Church on the ropes

    Because it exposes the biggest scandal in its long history.

    And it will affect the lives of each God fearing American.

    This is something darker and more sinister than the Covid-19 Pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

    And it’s spreading like wildfire all over the internet.

    >> Click Here Before The Video Is Taken Down Permanently <<

  157. Eddy Idriess:

    4 things that are scams!

    There are many scams around Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies!

    This is not the fault of cryptocurrencies, rather that people still have very minimal information about these things, and many take advantage of that.

    BE CAREFUL if You encounter these things:
    Never share Your private key with anyone! The Bitcoin wallet ID is NOT identical to the Private Key! NEVER share Your private key with anyone who tells You that it is required to send money! IT IS NOT! If You provide Your private key to someone, then they will take Your crypto-wallet.

    Never believe anyone that tells You that You can 30x Your money with crypto-mining within, let’s say, 7 days. I am not going to go into details, but this is simply impossible. Then they ask You to transfer Your personal money to their Bitcoin account, and that they will pay You the profit after 7 days.

    Do NOT believe such things!

    Bitcoin mining is a very good and high-yielding opportunity, but You can NOT 30x Your money within 7 days, and money should be never transferred to a private person.

    Be careful if You are asked for anything via email that they can gain access to Your crypto-money with. For instance, if they ask You to provide Your private key, or Your password used on the crypto stock exchange for confirmation purposes, etc.

    Service providers NEVER ask for such things, so never send that data to anyone via email!

    Note what website You use. Scammers often register a domain with one character mixed up, which looks exactly the same as a well-known crypto stock exchange, and they ask You to log in to that site. So, always check the domain name and that You are logging in to the right website.

    Always install antivirus software on Your computer to secure Your data. I use the ESET Smart Security Premium, which has a 30-day trial too.

    Do not let Yourself be scammed!

    Learn everything about cryptocurrencies!

    Click here and view all details about the “CRYPTO ULTIMATUM” training system

  158. Mahalia Hammel:

    Did you know our ancestors enjoyed normal pressure?

    That’s right.

    They chased wild mammoths and lived in caves. But they had healthy hearts and had no strokes.

    And modern scientists from the University of Virginia just discovered why.

    It’s all because they had a “signaling molecule” in their tiny kidney cells that we don’t have.

    But the good news is — there’s an easy way to restore your kidneys’ “signaling molecule” by using something called ‘Nectar of Gods’.

    That’s because the ‘nectar of gods’ is proven by modern science to help get your blood pressure normal again.

    ⇒ Nectar of Gods restores normal blood pressure

  159. Emerald Empire Gaming. Emerald Empire Casinos.:

    Hey there,

    Ever felt like your luck was as dry as the Sahara desert? We’ve all been there. But what if I told you there’s a way to change that?

    Introducing our exclusive online casino, where luck is always on your side! Here’s why you need to give it a spin:

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    Safe and secure platform for worry-free gaming.

    Don’t let your luck run dry – click below to start winning big today!


    Looking forward to seeing you at the tables!


    Emerald Empire Gaming.

    You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

  160. Shari Blesing:


    Grateful for Your Contact

    Unlock the Potential of Google’s Traffic Without Investing in Content Creation.

    In just five minutes, can tap into Google in a little-known way to get free traffic to any product or service, creating an unstoppable passive income.

    See how it works for FREE here :

    Thank you and have a good day,


  161. Horny Girl Looking:

    My live cam is here:

    Opt out of future messages by replying to the message and saying opt out.

  162. Bebe Belue:

    Hey, dear owner,

    I hope you’re Doing Greatl.

    I’m reaching out from, a company specializing in website monetization strategies.

    We are interested in potentially purchasing some of your website traffic.

    We offer a straightforward arrangement where we pay weekly, with a low minimum revenue requirement of just $25.

    If this opportunity interests you, please visit for more information.

    There, you can find details about our partnership program and how we can work together to maximize your website’s revenue potential.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and discussing this further.

    Best regards,

    Business Development Director

  163. Cameron Glennie:


    Protect your business from all types of Fraud with the FraudSafe Starter Kit

    Designed by qualified and certified professionals, the FraudSafe Starter Kit offers over 200 pages of key info about how to protect your business.


    Be FraudSafe

  164. Phillippe Nicholson:

    Imagine a world where you could write a basic
    sentence & have it converted into captivating, astounding
    AI videos that engage, persuade, & are completely created on autopilot!

    Unlock the future of marketing with the world’s first ever “genuine” AI video technology,
    which is gaining notoriety as being the biggest technological boost
    in AI yet & will be powered by OpenAI’s latest AI model called Sora, built specifically for video.

    Don’t be left behind by this video AI revolution
    that is changing how the world looks at video forever!

    Spots are limited….Secure this exclusive beta access asap &
    guide your dreams into a new digital age!

    Time Is Ticking:


    Opt out of future correspondence by replying to this message and tell me Opt out.

  165. Freda Puente:

    Tired of foot fungus? Don’t let this unpleasant and embarrassing condition go unnoticed.

    Ignoring it could lead to long-term damage, even amputation.

    Dr. Richard Gannon has created a simple secret fungus killer that only takes as little as 30 seconds to 5-minute daily.

    This simple solution is the answer to your foot and nail fungus…

    Click Here to Watch Dr. Gannon’s Secret Fungus Killer and use his secret tactic:

  166. Luis Fabregas:


    If we could increase the presence of your brand without paying ads
    Would you be interested in speaking?

    Luis Fabregas
    Firma Brandt

  167. Damon Kemp:

    Discover the Simple Ingredient That Improves Teeth & Gum Health.

    Doctors are amazed as individuals report improved oral hygiene within days of using this surprising ingredient used by the Ancient Romans in Pompei for perfect teeth.

    > Watch this video and learn about this simple ingredient that restores your teeth:

  168. Clay Fulmer:

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== >
    See you there


  169. Dominga Flower:

    Do you touch your gums like this with your tongue?

    STOP RIGHT NOW or risk losing all your teeth!

    Recent studies have shown that people who touch their gums with their tongue this way have 90% more rotten teeth compared to those who don’t.

    >> Click here to find why this habit might cause all your teeth to fall out and what you can do about it.

  170. Delilah Rector:

    Content written is not about writting anything on your website. It may harm your website rankings.

    You need to write the articles strategically considering all SEO and product related analysis in mind.

    Here we do this work on your behalf to post regular articles to grow your organic traffic and ofcourse the Search engine rankings as well.

    Subscribe today and see the results yourself in just 1-2 months.

    Our Content Writing SEO Plan –

    Once your purchase is confirmed, our executive will get in touch with you related to your website & Product/Services details.

    Note: You can also contact our Live Chat support available on our website for any questions you might have.

  171. Tamela Neal:


    Apologies for reaching out via your contact form, but we believe you might be interested in exploring additional revenue opportunities for through your website traffic.

    We offer $3 CPM ( per thousand impressions ) for traffic from the USA, $2 CPM for traffic from the UK, $1.60 for traffic from Canada, and $0.20 for traffic from any other country.

    Unlike most monetization programs, you’ll get weekly payments, and you only need a minimum balance of $25 to get paid.

    Feel free to explore and test our demo page at the following link:

    Then, If you’re prepared to cash in on your website traffic, simply register here:

    Thank you for your time and have a great day,

    Marketing Director

  172. Barbra Garber:

    We all know we shouldn’t drink too much…

    Especially when trying to lose weight.

    Yet, the real reason is NOT because of the calories…

    It’ds because the entire fat-burning process depends on a healthy liver.

    Fact is, too much alcohol can damage your liver and your metabolism.

    However, the remarkably powerful Mediterranean ritual below naturally protects and rapidly purifies your liver of EVERY alcohol…

    Allowing you to enjoy an extra drink or two while promoting fat loss at the same time.

    That’s why, if you’re gonna drink, do this simple Mediterranean Ritual before hand:
    (takes 30 seconds)

  173. Devon Top:

    Your website is broken, are you still in business?


    3254 Silverside Rd, Ste 32
    Wilmington, DE, USA, 19810
    To opt out of marketing messages click here:

  174. Ravi Wilbur:

    My name is Alastair D. i, owner of Webomaze Australia. You have finally found an SEO Company that GETS RESULTS. The proof is my 24,800+ reviews out of which 98.6% are 5-STAR REVIEWS.

    I recently grew my client’s organic search traffi with high google search ranking by 166% in 4 months. We’re an SEO Company with a difference.Our focus is Customer Delight.

    And we do everything to make it a great experience of working with us. We are in touch with you at every stage of the project. Even after we deliver the project, I will support you with any query you have.

    Contact me today and get a FREE SEO AUDIT for your website

    Click here to start ====>

  175. Sandra Ehrlichmann:

    Hey there,

    Do you need a landing page to promote
    I can build you one for free.
    And if you like it you can give me a testimonial for my agency (:
    Just reply with the word Yes and the name of your business!

  176. Sommer Tanaka:

    If you haven’t tried this yet, you’re going to want to add this to your morning routine.

    Drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 45 exhausting minutes on the treadmill.

    In fact, some folks are losing up to 23lbs of fat in just 21 days by drinking it every morning.

    => 1 Cup of this tomorrow morning will burn 3lbs of belly flab:

    Plus, it only takes a few seconds to stir it up so you can enjoy the delicious, fat-burning flavors in the morning even if you are super busy.

  177. Jonathan Byrd:

    Are you struggling with trying to make money from your email list?

    I’ve been there too.

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    Imagine a world where traditional social media marketing is a thing of the past, and your journey at the forefront of innovation begins today.
    Welcome to the era of AI Marketing, where boundaries are limitless and your business’s potential is amplified. With our cutting-edge AI Tools and comprehensive Training, wave goodbye to outdated strategies and hello to a future of success. Envision the possibilities of earning $10,000.00 or more every month, transforming your financial landscape forever.
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    Picture a community of trailblazers, all empowered by AI, sharing a common goal of monumental achievement. Every giant leap starts with a small step, and yours begins with a simple ‘YES’. Seize this moment to embrace the revolution, redefine possibilities, and sculpt your legacy in the AI Marketing domain.

    Comment ‘YES’ for exclusive access to AI Success, and embark on a journey where your dreams aren’t just dreams, but vivid realities waiting to unfold.

    There is literally nothing holding you back from starting today. The KEYS to AI Marketing are in you grasp.

  182. Maureen Bryce:

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    Maureen, Bryce

    3285 John Calvin Drive, Atlanta, GA 30303, United States.


    If you do not wish to receive further emails from us.

    Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed.

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  193. Richard Thomas:

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  194. Ravi Stiles:

    My name is Alastair D. i, owner of Webomaze Australia. You have finally found an SEO Company that GETS RESULTS. The proof is my 24,800+ reviews out of which 98.6% are 5-STAR REVIEWS.

    I recently grew my client’s organic search traffi with high google search ranking by 166% in 4 months. We’re an SEO Company with a difference.Our focus is Customer Delight.

    And we do everything to make it a great experience of working with us. We are in touch with you at every stage of the project. Even after we deliver the project, I will support you with any query you have.

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  200. Neal Doherty:

    Hi there,

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    Your audience could greatly benefit from trying our Exotic Pain Relief Patch, especially those with chronic pain.
    By recommending it on your website, you can help them discover a solution that improves their quality of life.

    Interested? Reach out for more info or collaboration opportunities.

    Visit to learn more.

    Thanks for considering,

  201. Dante:


    I know you’re very busy, but browsing your website I’ve got a vision how I could bring you more clients from the internet because this is something I already did before for a company like yours.

    If 15 minutes of your time isn’t too much to ask, then maybe we could jump on a quick Skype chat to discuss this?

    Thanks for consideration,


    company: High Revenue

  202. Alex Jackson:

    Hey, I just set up a new website with a chat widget completely driven by AI.

    Would you be open to testing it for just a minute and let me know your honest thoughts?

    Here is the link, Thanks!


    P.S. If you think something like this might be worth trying on let me know. It’s starting to blow up!

  203. Filomena McAnulty:


    I’m Filomena, I run an SEO company that works with marketing agencies in your area.

    We have helped over 100,000 businesses like yours rank #1 on Google and increase their online presence and revenue.

    I have some availability for a few new clients.

    Are you looking for an SEO expert right now for ?

    Check us out here :

    Thank you and have a good day,


  204. Sophia Wilson:

    Hi, I hope you’re doing well.

    I recently increased the lead generation for one of your competitors by incorporating our chat widget onto their website.

    Our AI-driven chat widget is tailored for your niche, providing a way to engage with your website visitors and convert them into leads.

    By leveraging advanced technology, you can automate the lead generation process and focus on what you do best – providing exceptional service to your clients.

    I’d love to discuss how our solution can benefit your business. Can we schedule a time to chat?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Best regards,

    Sophia Wilson

  205. Clarissa Rimmer:

    Hey I have a list of highly targeted buyers that want to work with your company, our AI powered website traffic system can market to these buyers on autopilot. Can I give you a 7 day free trial to try it? Please start here:

  206. Sophia Wilson:

    Hi, I was wondering who made your website.

    I ask because after checking out your website I noticed a cool opportunity
    to increase the number of new leads your website receives without adding the number of visits.

    Didn’t want to overload you with a long email so I put together a short
    video to show you exactly what I found that can double your contacts.

    Respond “yes” if you want me to send it to you. Let me know 🙂


    Sophia Wilson

  207. Kenneth White:

    Curious if you would be willing the part with your Facebook page or your instagram account or both?

    If so can you give me a bit more info here please

  208. Orville Wasinger:


    Are you seeking a top-notch domain name for your shopping endeavor?

    Perhaps this one fits the bill for you?

    Could you inform me if you have any interest?

    Thank you and have a great day,


  209. Alethea Villalpando:

    I’ve saw that your website could be missing out on approximately 1,000 visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is designed to significantly boost your site’s visibility:
    We’re offering a free trial that includes 500 targeted visitors to demonstrate the potential benefits. After the trial, we can provide up to 250,000 targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly increase your website’s reach and engagement.

  210. Muriel Saltau:

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  211. Stefan Fullerton:

    Hello, I’m in need of assistance regarding an issue on the site, could you please help me?

  212. Ravi McCullough:

    My name is Alastair D. i, owner of Webomaze Australia. You have finally found an SEO Company that GETS RESULTS. The proof is my 24,800+ reviews out of which 98.6% are 5-STAR REVIEWS.

    I recently grew my client’s organic search traffi with high google search ranking by 166% in 4 months. We’re an SEO Company with a difference.Our focus is Customer Delight.

    And we do everything to make it a great experience of working with us. We are in touch with you at every stage of the project. Even after we deliver the project, I will support you with any query you have.

    Contact me today and get a FREE SEO AUDIT for your website

    Click here to start ====>

  213. Mohammed Hibbard:


    Are you seeking a top-notch domain name for your business ?

    Perhaps this one fits the bill for you?

    Could you inform me if you have any interest?

    Thank you and have a great day,


  214. Alysa Provost:

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    Schedule your Demo now
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    respond that you are intrested and someone will call you to set up a good time for the Demo

  215. Jackson Burch:

    Hi there,

    I’m Jackson, and I connect businesses with exceptional marketing agencies. I’d like to introduce you to an agency known for transformative landing pages, ad creation, and managed Google PPC advertising. One client reported getting a 2400% return on their ad spend!

    I’d love to arrange a quick chat with an account manager to discuss this further. If you’re interested, respond YES to this email and include your phone number if you would like to be called.

    Jackson Burch

  216. Lenore Money:


    Are you seeking a top-notch domain name for your business ?

    Perhaps this one fits the bill for you?

    Could you inform me if you have any interest?

    Thank you and have a great day,


  217. Venetta Everett:

    Hi there

    I trust you’re doing well. I recently took a look, at your website. Wanted to pass along a resource that could really amp up your online marketing game. The eBook “Uncover 384 Must Have Tools – Your Ultimate Toolkit” is a guide that delves into various topics, like SEO tips and digital marketing strategies all of which could directly benefit your current approach.

    I think this guide could offer insights and tools to enhance the impact of your website. You can grab your copy at

    Excited to chat about how these tools can be integrated into your plans.

    Warm regards,
    Venetta Everett

  218. Philip White:

    Picture a universe where you could write-out a straightforward
    sentence & have it converted into enchanting, breathtaking
    AI videos that captivate, influence, & are entirely created on autopilot!

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  219. Mark Sams:

    Every business faces its unique set of challenges, and we believe we’ve found something that can make a difference for yours.
    Wonesuit integrates and streamlines complex processes seamlessly.

    Could we schedule a brief call to discuss how it could address your specific needs?

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